First published in 1913, shortly after the announcement of his death, Scott’s diaries have long been available; but to mark the centenary of his last expedition, a project at the Scott Polar Research Institute at the University of Cambridge is reimagining them for the internet age. Some have pointed to Bruce’s publicity-shy nature; some to […]

Ill legitimate – Washington Post (blog)

by Leslie Rohde on March 16, 2011

NASA, of all organizations, is reporting unmistakable evidence of accelerating climate change. The ice sheets of Antarctica and Greenland are melting even faster than predicted. This, of course, was only a matter of time and ranks as their biggest prank since they faked the moon landing. anyway,the deniers will find ways of connecting Al Gore […]

But he acknowledged that the size, complexity and remoteness of the continent’s massive ice sheet made accurate calculations of ice loss extremely challenging — far more so than in Greenland, where the ice sheet is much smaller and existing observational data is far more detailed. The increasing ice loss means that, for the first time, […]

A six-nation study of jagged mountain range as high as the Alps that is buried under ice in East Antarctica found almost a quarter of ice sheet in the area was formed by a thaw and refreeze of water from underneath . Antarctica contains enough ice to raise world sea levels by about 57metres if […]

After leaving the Navy, Baker worked several contract jobs but found himself laid off last April and looking for work. Baker said the contractor offered him another job for the summer season and he’ll likely be returning to Antarctica for five months in October. Baker worked nine-hour days six days a week, oftentimes traveling to […]

Data from NASA satellites shows that both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are melting faster, and have become a bigger contributor to rising sea levels than before.The results shows that ice is melting even faster than the computer models had predicted.The recent research found that in 2006, the ice sheets from both regions lost […]

His goal while in Antarctica will be to assist with research being conducted by College of Earth, Ocean and the Environment scientist Adam Marsh, to help with diving expeditions and to post notes about his work on a National Science Foundation and Arctic Research Consortium website. He just returned from a training session at the […]

While the idea of placing a nuclear plant in such an ecologically sensitive location may seem like madness today, in the pre-Chernobyl, pre–Three Mile Island world of 1962, nuclear power was seen as a cost-effective, efficient and relatively safe way of providing power to permanent Antarctic research stations. The reactor was set up at McMurdo […]

The cores are collected by melting holes through the sea ice (or ice shelf) and then lowering a pipe through the ice, the water column, and drilling into the seafloor to sample the sediment below and bring these samples back to the surface for scientists to study. The benefit of collecting these records from the […]

Dan Ul Hamadi, the first woman to get to the coldest pole of the world “The Antarctic”, is the mother of five and still goes strong. The adventurous mom along with 70 other expedition members met at Ushuaia, set on towards the daring feet. She exclaims that she had the most thrilling experience She describes […]